Couleurs du Nord
May 14 –
August 1 2020
Exhibition presented in the Galerie Clémentine de la Féronnière in collaboration with the Maison du Danemark and in association with Lumières Nordiques
Astrid Kruse Jensen, Rosalina Kruse Serup and Myne Søe-Pedersen live and work in Copenhagen. Their works gathered for this exhibition are mostly very recent and are based on different motifs; but they also bear witness to an exercise in color that is specific to each of the three artists.
The exhibition outlines an approach to photographic creation in Denmark, however it also expresses a diversity of feminine sensibilities; it declines techniques and formats which the photographers like to explore.
Astrid Kruse Jensen creates a quasi-romantic atmosphere in which monochrome subjects are shaped by light and sometimes get lost in the colored matter; Rosalina Kruse Serup's compositions translate the pleasure of playing with almost saturated colors and very graphic forms; for Myne Søe-Pedersen, it is visual invention and the diversity of her ideas that program each of her series of images.
This exhibition thus brings together three ways of appropriating photography and associating color with it.

Photos and virtual visit of the exhibition
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In the press

France Fine Art